Each case in this database consists of a number of information structured in different categories.
These are:
- Case Description
- Basic Information
- Supplier or Community Details
- Follow Up
- Sources
All cases are assigned to specific social and environmental sector risks. Each case will contain as much information as publicly available.
The four parts are structured as follows:
1. Case Description
- Short description
- Full description
- Photo / image
- Sector risk concerned (social)
- Sector risk concerned (ecological)
2. Basic Information
- Case identification number, linked to the Open Supply Hub where possible.
- Date of occurrence
- Affected country
3. Supplier or Community Details
- Effects on communities (in case of a community based incident)
- Name of supplier or community
- Address of supplier or community
- Address of production site
- GPS data longitude of production site or of community
- GPS data latitude of production site or of community
- Total number of workers / employees
- Gender specific information
- Factory union(s) or unions active in the community
- Workers committee
- Source of information
- Known buyers and known business relationships to factory
- Duty of buyer to report according to the Supply Chain Act / CSDDD
- Source of information
- Known certifications
- Source of information
4. Follow up
- Known reaction by buyer(s)
- Last update
- Further information
5. Sources
- Name of reporting organisation
- Details about the reporting organisation
- Source of information about the case
- Contributor
Here you will find the details of the person from our network who is responsible for this case and who can give you further information.
You can have a look at an example case or see the complete database.