The social life of industrial disputes: Exploring workerscentred industrial relations in India’s garment labour regimes
by International Labour Organization Authors: Alessandra Mezzadri, Rakhi Sehgal 2023, 72 pages 1.2 MB (PDF-file)
Worker Voice: What it is, what it is not, and why it matters
by Center for Global Workers’ Rights - The Pennsylvania State University Authors: Mark Anner and Matthew Fischer-Daly 2023, 154 pages 4.2 MB (PDF-file)
A Multi-Actor Partnership on gender-sensitiv Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - The business case
by SÜDWIND Author: Alina Matt 2023, 6 pages 0.9 MB (PDF-file)
What is a gendertransformative OSH approach?
by SÜDWIND Authors: Jiska Gojowczyk and Jannika Matthias 2023, 18 pages 0.9 MB (PDF-file)
How to move closer towards sustainable Leather Value Chains. Defining sustainability in the leather sector
by CIVIDEP and SÜDWIND Authors: Jiska Gojowczyk and Pradeepan Ravi 2022, 10 pages 0.8 MB (PDF-file)
Human rights due diligence in practice. How are companies working to uphold human rights in the global supply chain of leather (goods) and footwear?
by INKOTA network and SÜDWIND Authors: Lena Janda, Gertrude Klaffenböck, Berndt Hinzmann 2022, 34 pages 0.5 MB (PDF-file)
What does effective human rights due diligence look like for SMEs? 5 insights from practice
by the UN Global Compact Network Germany. 2022, 14 pages 0.8 MB (PDF-file)
SUPPLY CHAIN GOVERNANCE - Arguments for worker-driven enforcement
by FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG Author: Marlese von Broembsen 2022, 15 pages 0.2 MB (PDF-file)
by the Community Environmental Monitoring (CEM) 2021, 120 pages 3 MB (PDF-file)
Stakeholder Inclusion as Accelerator for the Sustainable Development Goals
by the UN Global Compact Network Netherlands. 2020, 31 pages 3 MB (PDF-file)
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
by UN Human Rights Office of the High Commisioner 2011, 42 pages 1.1 MB (PDF-file)